Scientific Programme Topics
The SOE 2025 Scientific Programme Committee is constructing an innovative and stimulating scientific programme. It will include Keynote speakers, high-level update sessions, round tables, mystery cases and debates as well as scientific symposia and instructional courses. The Programme will cover sessions on the following topics:
● retina
Details to follow
● cataract and refractive surgery
The Cataract and Refractive Surgery sessions at SOE 2025 will cover several important topics, including innovations in surgical techniques and technologies aimed at improving outcomes in cataract and refractive procedures. The challenges of performing cataract surgery in patients with corneal pathologies will be discussed, emphasizing tailored approaches to these complex cases. Optimal preoperative examination and surgical planning will be discussed, as well as the significance of floaters on visual quality and appropriate treatment strategies. Additionally, a video session will demonstrate methods for managing complications that may arise during cataract surgery, providing valuable insights for ophthalmologists.
● glaucoma
Summary of SOE – EGS Glaucoma activities
The workshops and sessions focus on advancing glaucoma diagnosis and treatment. Key workshops include “Glaucoma Diagnosis,” which covers various diagnostic tools, and “Glaucoma Surgery,” discussing appropriate surgical interventions and complication management. The sessions address emerging innovations in glaucoma care, evaluating the efficacy of new technologies like AI and slow-release medications, and exploring treatment options—balancing laser, drops, and surgery.
Additionally, a session on “Angle-closure in 2025” emphasizes accurate terminology, diagnosis methods, and contemporary treatment strategies for angle closure, including who should receive phacoemulsification or laser peripheral iridotomy.
● cornea and external eye
Details to follow
● oculoplastic and orbit
Symposia involving the American, the Asian and the European Ophthalmic Plastic Societies will focus on the latest developments in the field. The EUGOGO Symposium on Graves’ orbitopathy is offering insights into modern management and cutting-edge treatments. Courses cover fundamental techniques in basic eyelid surgery and practical guidance and tips for successful blepharoplasty surgery. An interactive orbital clinic introduces appropriate imaging techniques and practical management strategies for patients with orbital diseases.
● paediatric and strabismus
Details to follow
● oncology and pathology
Ophthalmic oncology and pathology sessions will cover hot topics in the diagnosis and treatment of intra- and periocular neoplasia both from clinical and histopathological aspects. The sessions are held in conjunction with the Ocular Oncology Group and the European Ophthalmic Pathology Society.
● neuro-ophthalmology
The Neuro-Ophthalmology Program at the SOE2025 Conference in Lisbon promises to be an unmissable event, featuring pivotal presentations on critical emergencies such as GCA, transient visual loss, aneurysmal CN3rd palsy, Horner’s syndrome, and Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Engage in in-depth discussions on the differential diagnosis of swollen optic discs, encompassing conditions like papilledema, optic neuritis, and NA-AION.
Our sessions will also delve into strategies for managing acute persistent vision loss, anisocoria, and diplopia. Gain practical insights with tips for conducting optic disc, pupillary, and ocular motility exams, as well as interpreting visual fields.
Don’t miss the highlights on complex eye movements such as nystagmus and cranial nerve palsies, the latest updates on visual snow syndrome, innovative treatments for thyroid eye disease, and cutting-edge OCT/OCTA diagnostics. Discover advancements in mitochondrial disease treatments, venous sinus stenting for IIH, solutions for stroke-related visual issues, and ground-breaking new diagnostic methods for GCA.
● uveitis
The Uveitis sessions will cover comprehensive strategies for managing both infectious and non-infectious uveitis. Topics include how to manage non-infectious posterior uveitis, with a focus on rationale, treatment options, and strategies, as well as recognizing infectious etiologies. The sessions also delve into balancing risks and benefits of systemic corticosteroids, when to initiate conventional immunosuppression, and the use of biologics. Local therapy options are explored, alongside essential diagnostic and management steps for infectious uveitis, including viral anterior and posterior uveitis, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, syphilis, and emerging infections.
● electrophysiology
Details to follow
● multi-disciplinary sessions (allied health)
Details to follow
●Suturing and Wet Lab courses
Details to follow
● YO sessions and YO Lounge
Details to follow